I can't believe that we're already four weeks into classes. I've been back in the US for nearly two months. It feels like Edinburgh was yesterday, and when I'm walking down the street, sometimes I see flashes of Edinburgh stores, or think I see somebody from there. Not that Minneapolis and Edinburgh could ever be mistaken for each other in any context. I really miss life the Edinburgh way. I got my work done, and then I went out to have fun with my friends. Now, every moment is a struggle to force myself to start doing work, to keep doing work, to finish work.
Next week looks like this: Exam Monday. Problem set due Monday. Paper due Tuesday. Lab Tuesday. Exam Wednesday (FOR THE SAME CLASS AS MONDAY!). Lab Wednesday. Applying to jobs and internships all week. Exam the Monday after that.
Oy. I should really get back to reading for zoology. So many exams...
Last night was the Awkward Dance, which was a good time, even though the line was RIDICULOUS... we didn't get in 'til 11:30 and it ended at 1. I saw some folks I hadn't seen in a while, which was good, and Rachel and I got to wear the stupid dresses we bought for $7, so it was exciting all around. Plus, there was a "Congratulations on your Retirement" cake. Who doesn't want that?
Tonight, Nick and I are going to a hockey game. It's good to be getting out and doing things on weekends again. I think I'm finally adjusting to the cold again enough that I am willing to go outside when it is not absolutely necessary to do so. Just maybe.
I've been reconnecting with some friends from freshman year, and I feel really good about it. I didn't part on the best of terms with a lot of people after that year, and I really missed them. It's good to know that I've grown up enough to let things go. Maybe that's what being 21 does for you? Because I still have yet to purchase alcohol in this state... and I think I only bought one or two drinks the whole time I was back in Chicago over winter break. I guess it is a good thing for my liver that most of my friends are not 21, and therefore we cannot go out together.
Tomorrow is hardcore work and accomplishing things day. In the morning, grocery shopping/misc. errands, in the afternoon, WORK WORK WORK, in the evening, practice for our lab exam in Saint Paul. I was supposed to go this morning, but I fell asleep at like 4:30 am after the awkward dance (I had like 8 cups of coffee yesterday. Espresso Royale was giving their test drinks away for free to people who were there) so I didn't wake up til 11.
Legit back to work this time. Th-th-that's all folks!